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Mama Bean Herbs- Purple Dead Nettle- Dried

Mama Bean Herbs- Purple Dead Nettle- Dried


A member of the mint family though does not have a minty flavor, but more of a earth flavor sometimes sweet and sometimes slightly bitter and is tamed when cooked. The dead refers to the lack of sting in somewhat similar looking stinging nettle. Some benefits include: polyphenols which are beneficial for gut health and the cardiovascular system, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory properties that help with rheumatism and allergies, has been used traditionally as a first spring food to add to stews in small amounts and medicinally to stop heavy menstrual bleeding with its astringent properties. Some new research has shown it may help with candida overgrowth. (Deer 2016)



*There is no known contraidindiations with purple deadnettle but avoid large amounts as too much internally can have laxative effect and to be safe it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

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